Energy Reduction Workshop

EPB and CRMA invite you to a complimentary Energy Reduction Workshop 

In an effort to ensure your company is maximizing the value of your energy resources, EPB and the Chattanooga Regional Manufacturers Association (CRMA) are proud to offer two Energy Reduction Workshops on August 22, 2019. Choose the session right for your company’s goals and earn Professional Development Hour certificates upon completion.

Both sessions will be held at EPB’s downtown location (10 W. ML King Blvd) in the 7th floor Community Room.

Session 1: Fundamentals of Pumping Systems
9:00am – 12:00pm EDT
Workshop Goals:
Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to make positive changes in your company’s pumping systems to help control costs, improve productivity and increase efficiency.
You’ll learn:
– How to use measurements to analyze the efficiency of an actual pump
– How to identify opportunities to improve pumping efficiency and reduce operational costs
– How to use the US DOE Pumping Station Analysis Tool (PSAT)
Who should attend?
– Industrial plant facility engineers and maintenance supervisors
– Equipment distributors
– Engineering consultants

Lunch provided 12pm – 1pm, 7th Floor Community Room 

Session 2: Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems
1:00pm – 4:00pm EDT
Workshop Goals:
Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to make positive changes in your company’s compressed air systems to help control costs, improve productivity and increase efficiency.
You’ll learn:
– How your company’s compressed air system operates
– How much compressed air costs
– How to achieve up to 25% savings through proper operation and maintenance
Who should attend?
– Industrial plant facility engineers and maintenance supervisors
– Equipment distributors
– Engineering consultants

You are invited to register for one or both of these no-cost workshops, but space is limited.
Please RSVP no later than August 14, 2019 to to secure your seat.
Please include:
Your Name:
Your Title:
Your Company:
Contact Phone:
Session(s) Attending:

Upon arrival, please park in the 10th Street garage (validated parking will be provided) and check in with the security desk located in the lobby. You will be directed where to proceed.

If you have any questions about the workshop contact Aaron Willey at 423-551-0730.

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Feb 06 2025

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